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Healthcare News

  • Fracture nonunion and delayed union

    Delayed union and nonunion of fractures exist in the pediatric population. Fracture healing requires the synergistic collaboration of mechanical support and robust biological processes to allow endochondral ossification, reestablishment of bone continuity, and subsequent remodeling to strong lamellar bone. Failure of either mechanical stability or biology may manifest as delayed fracture healing.

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  • Prevalence of scoliosis in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    The understanding of the prevalence and early predictive factors of scoliosis in children and adolescents is limited, which poses challenges to developing preventative strategies. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to clarify the prevalence and predictors of scoliosis among children and adolescents.

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  • How to Get Rid of Newborn Hiccups

    Baby hiccups are usually harmless and stop on their own. They typically go away after burping, but there are other gentle ways to eliminate them as well. Knowing what not to do is also important. Some hiccup remedies that work on adults are not appropriate for babies.

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  • How to start the school year strong and prevent illness in children

    The excitement of a new school year unfolds each year when families flood the superstore aisles to buy classroom supplies, tape after-school schedules on the fridge and organize carpools with friends.Common to each family is a desire for children to remain healthy, active and ready to learn.

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  • Study finds reducing children's screen time to just three hours per week improves mental health

    A team of psychologists and mental health specialists affiliated with several institutions in Denmark, working with a colleague from the U.K., has found that reducing screen time for children to just three hours per week can result in significant improvements in their mental health.

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